Gram and Pap

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Weekend Update

What a strange week. Enough snow to make snow angels and snowmen one day, and a few days later, warm enough to ride with the top down on the convertible! But then again, this is Ohio.
Friday dad and I (or Hon as I like to call him)l, had the whole day together. It was a wonderful sunny day, and the warm day when we drove with the top down. Kids being raised, you'd think we'd have more time to do things like that, but we don't. So we cherish the times we have and DO recommend date nights (Gram and Pap offer to take the kids for overnights) to those of you with children. We did a little shopping that day (got a pair of jeans at Dillards for $13.00!!!!! - that just makes it feel like a successful day right there!).


Blogger Prasti said... romantic :)

5:59 AM  

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