Gram and Pap

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Saturday, Nov. 1

Can you believe it is November already? Went to Lakewood/Cleveland today. Saw Ben and Sam, the boys as I like to call them. Took Ben his own set of keys, one that lights up when you push a button. You know Ben and buttons and lights. He was thrilled. "Gam, sit down. Gam, sit down chair." was his request so I could watch him play. Didn't bring camera in (what was I thinking?!?) so don't have a pic. It so warms my heart to love on the kids!! Went to Aaron's too, but Emma was asleep and Tyler was out playing with friends. This is one of our most cherished job descriptions though - GRAM AND PAP. We'll take all comers for overnights (grin - hint hint).


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