Gram and Pap

Monday, October 27, 2008

Determined to be current

Four score and 7 years ago (well maybe not quite that long) Gram and Pap started a blog, and never added onto it since...............UNTIL NOW!!!!!!! (Wild applause and cheering from our children now rings out like a shot heard 'round the world! Ha!)

Won't attempt to catch you up on all the happenings since that first post, but will fill you in on a few recent blessings. Our favorite job description (other than mom and dad - that is a given) is GRAM and PAP!! We are so very fortunate to have 4 beautiful, wonderful, smart grandchildren now, count 'em 4 with the fifth to arrive in late May 2009!

Forgive the learning curve. Pics were not placed as I thought they would be. Oy veh! Above: we welcome our newest precious baby Samuel John. I have spent the last 2 years babysitting Ben on Fridays, and now this new little blessing has been added. He is beautiful and we couldn't be more proud. Looking forward to spending much time (and having them down for overnights - hint hint).

Also above: Tyler and Emma spent the night Saturday. We had much fun and Emma did VERY well with her overnight away from home. Tyler requested that I make octopus for lunch on Sunday, something I had done for him when he was little. The octopus (sliced hot dog) sits upon a bed of seaweed (ramen noodles with green food coloring). The kids loved it (though Emma looked a little concerned at first. heehee) and they both ate very well. Emma tasted it and exclaimed, "I like octopus!" Then proceded to ask for more when she finished the first. "Thanks Gram for octopus." was Emma's reply after lunch. What fun! Oh, and notice the braids. Haven't done that for such a long time!!!A great time was had by all.

Blessings and Shalom to all until we post again. Much love from Gram and Pap.